Rusty Nailed

by Alice Clayton



Hitting the nail squarely on the head, Alice Clayton served us up the perfect follow up to Wallbanger –Rusty Nailed is an absolute humdinger

Laugh out loud funny but delightfully romantic and seriously sexy, this has it all. But then again what else would we have expected from Simon and Caroline. This couple have it all and know how to make it work for them.

Stepping in to run the business while Jillian is off touring Europe on her honeymoon with seriously hot Benjamin, Caroline learns that being in charge is harder than Jillian made it look. Simon on the other hand is still off photographing the world, until a trip home to a school reunion gives him a chance to visit with friends and neighbours – people that he knew growing up but hasn’t seen in 10 years since the death of his parents.

Life begins to take on new meaning and he takes time out to spend at “home” with Caroline, home in this instance being Jillian and Benjamin’s fabulous house that they happen to be looking after.

Time on his hands gives Simon the opportunity to explore the local area and on one of the rare days out together they stumble upon a rundown old house that is up for sale and would make the perfect home – moving in together is the logical next step – Yes?

Simon buys the house and Caroline sets about turning it into the dream home they both envisage.

The changes in their lives show that they are growing into this an almost “normal” relationship and it scares the life out of Caroline. But in their own inimitable fashion they have those doubts covered- nothing shakes this pair – well maybe not nothing – Clive’s disappearance gives them a shove.

The dialogue and the way that dialogue is delivered is first class, the conversational tone is just perfect and completely brings the characters to life.

I especially enjoyed the text conversations between them and also between the extended group of friends- I could just imagine those conversations happening in real life – laugh out loud funny and positively charming.

I loved the fact that we got to spend time with not only Simon and Caroline but also Neil and Sophia and Ryan and Mimi. Mimi is a riot!!!

The relationship between Simon and Caroline is completely unconventional but they are perfect for each other.

The epilogue was cheeky and a little out of the ordinary – but again perfect!

While I will still confess that Wallbanger is my favourite – this runs it a very, very close second.

It was absolutely delightful.

Rating 4.5 out of 5