
by Rachel van Dyken

I wasn’t sure that I was going to get over the connection that this pair had prior to their own story taking shape, I mean Lucas was the man that had watched Avery grow up, he was engaged to her sister before one of the most monumental of c**kups of all time when he was discovered in bed with her sister!

But I was sure that if anyone could turn my concern around it would be Ms van Dyken because like pulling a rabbit from a hat she is able to work some sort of magic that means that even the most initially representative is worth of redemption.

Luca Thorn has a schedule and it isn’t the run of the mill timetable either, this is one that sees a different woman in his bed every day of the week – well apart from Sunday because that day belongs to his sister Erin, the only member of his family that he is actually still in close contact with, his parents are still on speaking terms but he knows that he hurt them desperately when his marriage was cancelled, they lost their best friends as well as face within the community.

Avery remembers everything about Lucas from before but the pain he caused her sister is something she cant really get over or can see? Because as the book goes on I actually got the feeling that her sister was a bit of an a**, Lucas knew that he didn’t want to get married, he knew he was making a mistake but he never wanted to cause the pain that he did and he would have never wanted to drive a wedge between himself and Avery because as the story develops you get to see that this is a love that has been years in the making.

As reprehensible as Lucas is initially I couldn’t help but fall for his boyish charm as the story gathered pace. The connection between the two of them was fabulous, they baited and bantered so hard that I wondered just how long it was going to take before their past eventually caught up with their present.

I enjoyed the journey even if I didn’t like every single detail, a romantic comedy of the highest quality.

Topic: Cheater by Rachel van Dyken

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