Jaded Hearts
By Harper Sloan
There is little that can be said about reading a Harper Sloan novel other than just sit back and let the lady blow your mind.
I have loved everything that she has ever written and what I especially like is the interconnection between her characters, they don’t live in each other pockets but there is a tie, a silk like tether that grounds them all back to each other and this the first in her new series is no different
You will perhaps recognised Chance from when he was in Unexpected Fate, he is friends with Cohen and in this book, he is actually working for the Corps Security team when we first get a glimpse of him but those links are only glanced upon, the previous novels and the characters don’t impact on this story at all and I think that is to the benefit of the plot. It adds depth by giving continuity but allows the author to give these characters their own perspective and direction.
With Corps Security behind him I knew he was going to be a good guy, I just didn’t know how good!
Loaded Replay are at the top of their game, but they are feeling the pressure because with the good times also comes the bad and for them it is the threats that are being made, specifically again their stunning lead singer Wrenlee that is giving cause for concern, although you would be hard pressed to find the element of concern from their record label or management company and so the band decide to hire personal protection for Wrenlee, without her knowledge initially and with a very special set of conditions in place to keep the position confidential.
Enter Chance into Wrenlee’s life and it will never be the same again.
The connection between them was instant and the events that follow were always on the cards so to speak, there wasn’t a hope in h**l that they were ever going to be able to keep their hands off each other but there is more to this story that just the two of them.
The rest of the guys in the band were fabulous and I can’t wait to get more of their stories and antics. I had worked out where the threat to Wrenlee was coming from before the author dropped that so called penny but that didn’t detract from my enjoyment in any way, in fact I had been wondering how the author was going to work it into the storyline, considering how close Wrenlee and Chance were but I thought she pitched it absolutely perfectly because there was a point during the whole attempt to catch the culprit that they had to lie about how they felt and Wrenlee had to undertake something that broke my heart for the two of them…you will know what I am on about when you read the book.
A fabulous start to a new series, wonderfully written and not overly sentimental. Perfectly balanced…loved it.
Topic: Jaded Hearts By Harper Sloan
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