Eternal Temptations
by Janine Infante Bosco
Holy Cow!!
I haven’t got a single emotion left intact!
I am at a loss as to what I should say in this review and what I actually have the capacity to verbalise. I feel speechless.
The final book in the series and the author didn’t hold back, she left nothing behind, she gave her characters a fist full of not only situations but emotions to work with and with each and every one of them she worked their magic.
The book was simply staggering! I cried, I laughed, I gasped.
While I may “think” that I ran the full gambit of emotions and I am absolutely certain that I have not recovered.
I loved the fact that I had the opportunity to get closure, to see beneath the surface and hear what these guys were thinking, to see not only their minds but their hearts at work.
The author wrapped their story up in a way that was absolutely fitting, she gave them the opportunity to lay all the demons to rest. I will miss this series but I am forever grateful that I have had the opportunity to read it and will be able to return to them all again at any time…. which may just be sooner than I am prepared to admit!
Topic: Eternal Temptations by Janine Infante Bosco
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