April Snow by AL Goulden
Following hot on the metaphorical heels of December Rain – April Snow picks up the story after only a few days.
I have to say that the story will have your heart in your mouth in many respects and when it hasn’t it will have you reaching for a fan.
I am not one that generally finds storyline with an affair much to sing about but I have to say that the author handled this with a delicacy that meant that I couldn’t help but be enraptured by their plight – especially Monica. I felt her pain when it came to the fact that her heart was torn between these two amazing men – I genuine got that she could feel love for them both – did it help to justify her affair – no not really but it did help me to explain it.
April Snow is the conclusion of the series and finally Monica has the chance and time to realise where her heart truly lies – is it who I thought it would be , well that is for me to know and you to read and find out – but be you Team Quinn or Team Alex, you will enjoy the tale as you uncover her decision.
A fabulously well written tale of complication, life and life choices and moreover loving yourself enough to make a decision that no matter how hard is right for you.