Off Limits by Callie Harper
Give me a book about a man that is good with his hands and you will be my friend forever – Callie Harper, pleased to meet you!
I love the whole MMA fight scene scenario and with Tuck and Jewel I was onto a winner right off the bat.
I found the pair of them completely impossible not to fall in love with they had a super story and they garnered my enthusiasm to the point where all else was side lined completely – I just had to find out how things were going to end.
They were both brilliant characters but I couldn’t quite figure out where they were going to be able to come together, not in the fact of social circle because that was inevitable when their parents tied the knot and being step siblings was the kicker to anything that could be possible between them.
But as worried as I was I should have known that the author had it all in hand because when they did get together they set the page alight.
I didn’t like the way they considered the feelings they had about their relationship as being sort of wrong, when they were so perfect together but I was intrigued with how they handled their emotions.
Jewel at times was frustrating but Tuck had the makings of both her and her attitude, she was a fool is she thought she could get the better of this foul mouthed behemoth.
Ladies you will fall hard for Tuck, I know I did.
A story that was cleverly put together, it had just enough angst to give it an edge but not enough have you scratching your head, although at times Jewel did warrant a sneaky slap.
Topic: Off Limits by Callie Harper
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