Storm of Attraction
by Lily Black
I thought the delivery of the story was not only well conceived but also beautifully packaged, the author writes well, uses her grammar creatively and is more than able to weave a mystery that kept me thoroughly engaged but I just wasn’t sure that the characters dug deep enough.
Their past was one that obviously had unfinished business but now that they are back in touch, albeit on very shaky terms, it is all very quickly side-lined almost by the events that are engulfing Alexis.
Because despite the fact that she is a strong woman, a professional with a responsible career, top that off with the knowledge that she is also a respected martial arts practitioner …it came as a bit of a surprise to discover that she is being stalked…someone has a definite screw loose!!!
Drew regrets with everything that he has not only the fact that what he had with Alexis came to an end but moreover the manner in which they parted ways but now he is back, he doesn’t initially ingratiate himself by opening another martial arts academy – one that will be in direct competition with Alexis.
You would think that the emotional push and pull between the two of them would be enough to keep the pages turning but the author loaded the story with a darn sight more angst and attitude and that because the threat to Alexis from her stalker is genuine and Drew cannot just stand by and do nothing about it, after all as a former Ranger it is inbuilt in him to protect and with Alexis his feelings only intensify that desire.
Can Alexis let her guard down enough to let Drew back in and if she does will it be in time to save her from the danger that seems to be drawing in with every chapter?
I thought this was a proper romance with a little bit of everything thrown into the mix and for me that made it a super Sunday afternoon read.
Topic: Storm of Attraction by Lily Black
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