Pretty Bird by Olivia Howe

Pretty Bird is pretty awesome!

Olivia Howe has produced a book that is nothing short of exceptional.

Emotionally this is rollercoaster and  it took a lot of time and patience to be able to get to the end. Not that the book was hard work, quite the opposite, my issue was the fact that the book took more than I had anticipated out of me.

The mystery that surrounds the air crash is crazy and as much as she should be able to be left in peace to mourn and then try and rebuild her life after Derrick’s death, but it is obvious fairly early on that for Kenna, that was never going to be the case, especially when the seed of doubt and suspicion is planted in her head.

There was more going on that she could have possibly ever imagined and not only is her heart broken at the loss she has suffered but now, her life is in danger.

Kicking her into action, whoever took the decision to try and remove her from the equation did themselves no favours at all because Kenna is one determined woman, I suppose having someone trying to kill you would do that but she is galvanised into taking her search for the truth to the next level and she will not leave one single stone unturned until she gets to the bottom of what the heck is going on.

Derrick was her reason for being, she loved him implicitly and being without him is a painful life sentence. One that she is determined to understand.

The whole situation is completely screwed and Olivia Howe keeps everything close to her chest, she tantalisingly drip feeds details, slowly and deliberately unpeeling the layers of a mystery that would have rivalled Miss Marple.

The story had me on tenterhooks, could Kenna keep her head and the rest of her for that matter out of trouble? What secrets could she learn along the way, not only about the crash but also about herself?

A superb read, one that has shot right into my top ten!

Topic: Pretty Bird by Olivia Howe

Date: 08/10/2020

By: WilliamKek

Subject: Hi, look at an interesting site

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