Carnage by Lesley Jones
Carnage by Lesley Jones
Not knowing where to start to review this book, appears to be a common thread that I have noticed but I have no shame in saying that I know exactly where to begin and it is at the END – bloody hell, talk about gut wrenching - I felt like I had been filleted!!
I finished the book yesterday afternoon and was relieved that my husband was asleep and not able to see the blubbering, snotty mess I had become – talk about cry ugly!! Tissues are not optional with this book – they are essential – be prepared!
The book was great – it took me sometime to engage and I have to say that the last third was probably the most absorbing but holy shit the ending was epic!
Intrinsically a love story, we join the journey that Georgia and Sean embark upon at the tender ages of 11 and 13 and follow them through 20 years of the trials and tribulations that love inflicts upon us all.
I liked Georgia Rae – a good old fashioned Essex girl with the balls to take on the best and a right hook that wouldn’t go amiss in the boxing ring. Only one thing – or person to be more precise mattered to Georgia and that was the light of her life- Sean.
Best Friend to her brother Marley and lead singer with the boys band Carnage, the young lovers were destined to be together but just when you think all is safe in the world – the sharks begin to circle and their happy ever after is torn from them.
I found the author encompassed the whole gamut of emotions with Georgia but found the lengths to which she was prepared to cut herself off from Sean and all things Carnage(including her brother) was extreme. The fact that her family were willing to comply with this for 4 years was a little tough to understand but then again love knows no limits.
I absolutely adored Sean and whilst his actions may not have been to everyone’s taste I never for one second felt like he was prepared to move on – Georgia was his and I knew in my heart that he would win her back – I was surprised that he waited so long – but when the explanation arrived for the time-lapse it surprised me that everyone took it so well – it appeared to be quickly forgiven.
Georgia was a complicated character to get to grips with at times but I feel that she was written as she should have been, a kid who grew up too fast and lost before she had the chance to learn about the cruelties that life hides around every corner. No wonder it all but destroyed her.
When they eventually faced each other the pain emanating from the pages was incredible- I held my breath in anticipation that these two could find their way back to each other and find a resolution but sometimes you have no choice – the heart sets its own agenda, the recriminations were bitter and at times it was almost too painful to read but you have to dig in to find you own piece of heaven and I couldn’t help but hope that both Georgia and Sean had brought their shovels!
Some of the secondary characters were exceptional – I think it would be a joy to read Marley’s story – he has a whole raft of experiences that I think he would love to share and as for Lennon and Jimmie – well what can I say – the girl was just the epitome of what a best friend should be. But the one person I have everything crossed that we get to hear more from is the delightfully, dangerous and beyond sexy Cameron King.
Could be possibly make an appearance in Georgia’s life again?
I can’t begin to describe the final few chapters of the book – they were quite simply staggering.
I can only suggest that you find yourself a quiet spot, a box of tissues and a bottle of vodka to numb the pain and strap yourself in for one of the most emotional books of the year. Good Luck!!!
Rating 5 out of 5