Kendra by Kandie Stixx


This sets of at a tidy pace and they buggers off into the ether with a speed that Usain Bolt would have been proud of!!

It is a super speed, highly erotic and positively fabulous read.

Kendra and Chad are super but I have to say that I was in awe of Kendra. She was such a strong character, she held nothing back in either her business life and Chad had to be at the top of his game to even keep up to speed with the woman – but could he? Oh my god was it ever in doubt??

He was everything that Kendra needed and he knew it!

Just a shame that their initial interactions were far from amicable. They rubbed each other up the wrong way on more than one occasion but the underlying attraction fizzled along whether they liked it or not.

But could they sort out their crap and get their arses in gear and between the sheets?

Well that is the reason to not only pick up this little beauty but to keep turning the pages.

It was enticing, almost addictive.

It was a compelling read and one that brings a new author to the genre and announced her intent to leave her mark

A solid debut.