by Jewel E. Ann

There is a serene confidence about the way Jewel.E.Ann writes that has me totally hooked. I know that whenever I pick up one of her novels I am going to be emotionally sandblasted, that I am going to have to deal with the fact that I don’t want to put it down and moreover I am also going to have to get to grips with the fact that the characters themselves are going to become ingrained in my life, no matter how I may feel , these are stories just seem to matter.

I hadn’t had the pleasure of being introduced to Flint Hopkins previously and more fool me because if this is anything to go by the guy is a masterpiece.

The interaction between Flint and the lead female in the book Ellen was as engaging as it was entertaining, they were fun and that was what drew me to them, I liked the fact that their chemistry was electrifying but I also liked the fact that despite the fact they both had scarred pasts, they would eventually come to see that scars don’t define your forever, healing takes time and no matter how unworthy you may feel ( especially Flint) you have to move on…at some point, and for this pair that time was now.

My heart broke for him, but I wanted him to have the happiness that I believed Ellen could bring into his life, I just didn’t know whether I was going to get what I was wishing for…I realised early on that reading with my fingers crossed wasn’t helping!

Ellen was glorious, yep she had been through the mill but darn it if ever there was a poster child for moving on, she was it. She was so joyous, she was the kickstart that Flint needed to bring him back into the land of the living…he had been just existing far too long…this fantastic woman was the one to breathe life into him once again and I for one was ecstatic.

Please don’t think this pair occupy all the page time in the story, because there are some outstanding secondary characters and a couple of other relationships that will melt your heart. I could barely catch the lump in my throat when reading the passages that involved Flint and his son Harrison, the love between the two of them defied words. And talking of special relationships between children and their parents, well Ellen and her Dad…I sobbed!

Please read this, emotionally it is a hard hitter and rightly so, fantastic writing and sensational characterisation leave me in no doubt that Jewel. E. Ann is a maestro!

Topic: LOOK THE PART by Jewel E. Ann

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