Sins of a Bad Boy by Soraya Naomi
This wasn’t exactly what I had anticipated when I flipped over the first page. Not that, that is necessarily a bad thing but it was a genre or should I say a time period that I wasn’t sure that I would be happy fitting into. Set in the early 1900, I didn’t get that connection I was looking for, it just seemed to be something missing or perhaps it was the attitude of the era that didn’t sit well with me.
The author was very descriptive, overtly so at some points, but have to say she created a very clever story.
William owns a gambling, come sex club but at heart he is a fighter, and a proud one at that, as the title suggests he is every inch the bad boy, but does that bother him, not one little bit – he is a sexy SOB and he isn’t ashamed it. But when he is the victim of a crime, namely theft, he will leave no stone unturned to recover his money.
Certain that he knows the thief is, William sets out his stall and captures the culprit – who is it safe to say it is no stranger – because William and Ivy have history.
Ivy- well I am not sure that I actually liked Ivy – I certainly didn’t during the first half of the book – she was just so …oh I don’t know too harsh.
But the second half of the book opened her up a little more and with a bit of an insight into why she was the way she was I could see a bit more from her perspective. Did that make me like her, no not really but it did make me dislike her a little less if that makes a difference.
It was obvious that there was a chemistry between the two of them and despite the protestations, the time she spends in his company doesn’t exactly yield the outcome that either of them had anticipated. I suppose in modern terms this was an angst riddled tale of captive to consort, from hostage to heart.
The relationship between the two of them is far from easy to get your head around, they were happiest when they are playing games with each other – deliberately muddying the waters so to speak and it was not an attractive trait for either of them to have, I was at sixes and sevens trying to decipher their intensions but could feel myself beginning to give up at one point. Their secrets and lies becoming burdensome.
The second half of the book was much better than the first in my opinion, it put halt to my eye rolling and stopped me skimming through the pages. And that was appositive sign. Although maybe that was the erotic overtones that halted me in my tracks because this author has the whole sex club scene down pat – and I didn’t think she was being overtly descriptive with that portion of the book!! Believe me, this is not for the faint hearted.
A well written book, with a detailed and engaging story – just not one for me.
Topic: Sins of a Bad Boy by Soraya Naomi
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