Marking Her by Elena M Reyes
This is short and sweet (well, in a tattooed hotty sort of way) and I have to say that while it may be the first in a series it covers all the bases.
Elena has produced a cast of characters that are strong and honest, they are engaging and captivating and will leave you wondering just what they are going to get up to next.
And dear lord Talan Cox (and his sexy mouth) will sweep you off your feet!
Talan owes the local tattoo parlour and when Maya wanders in to the store with her friend the connection is instant, although it is not straight forward – this thirty odd year old guy is far from certain that he is ready for everything that a full on relationship entails, hell he wasn’t looking for a relationship at all until this feisty little woman barged her way under his skin.
But is it just infatuation, or is this the real thing?
Maya is as sharp as a tack, pulling no punches and refusing to yield to anything or anyone but this smart mouthed college girl is about to have more than her card marked when Talan Cox gets his hands on her – because he can see nothing but her and the feeling is mutual!
Now one things to point out – like every great story there is a lunatic – in this it is the crazy ex- Janice! I mean bloody hell, get a life woman – she refuses to accept that Talan and Maya are together and I have to say that she really rubbed me up the wrong way – complete fruit loop!!
The story may be short but it packs a punch and didn’t feel as if it was curtailed in any way – it had the flow and presence of a complete story, it had enough secondary characters to diversify my interest and each of them had depth which is not easy to achieve in such a short space of time.
This is just beginning to scratch the surface of Maya and Talan and I have to say that I am looking forward to reading book two