
by Remy Blake

Remy Blake…what have you done!

If this is your debut novel, then I cannot wait to see what you do next. Because you didn’t hold anything back with this little corker from what I can tell.

The subject matter might be a little touchy for some but it didn’t faze me in the slightest. I think the connection and the age difference were talking points that when you meet up with your girlfriends you can banter back and forth about debating the rights and wrongs because everyone will definitely have an opinion but for me that’s the sign of not only a good book but a very astute author.

The book is about recently widowed Charlie who is only 28 and Lucas, who is only 18 years old. Now don’t go getting all hot and bothered just yet because believe me there is plenty more between this pair to rile you up rather than just a couple of years in age!

The blurb tells you the connection between the pair of them, she is his father’s widow, so technically his step mother…and I rest my case there……...Your back then, I thought you may need a minute to mull that over but since you are still reading then I suppose it is safe to assume that you’re not that bothered, good because you shouldn’t be!

The draw between the two of them was instant, and the chemistry well that had a life of its own, it was spontaneous and red hot! I get the fact that they had a marital connection isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but you can’t help who you fall in love with and I believe that when something is right then it is just that…right!

There are truths and lies to be uncovered as the story unfolds and not everything is how they imagined but what they can control, what is between them is worth its weight in gold.

Topic: Tempt by Remy Blake

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