It Ain't Me, Babe
By Tillie Cole
You could be forgiven for having your doubts about whether or not this book was going to be for you after reading the Author’s note at the start of the book – but Brave move Tillie – you set your stall out and explained the background for the story that was to follow.
That amount of honesty can only be commended.
I don’t want to give any spoilers away so I will tread carefully in on this my initial review but what I can say is keep the pages turning ladies because this is definitely not one to be missed.
The story centres around two intensely secretive group – New Religious Movements (commonly referred to as either religious cults or sects) and the ever present bad ass Motorcycle Club.
Life within either of these groups is not for the faint hearted and so to that end – Ms Cole nailed the brief because there is nothing pink and fluffy about this story.
It is gritty and violent from the very first page and it never lets up.
We are introduced to the main characters early on, in their much younger incarnations – Salome and River share a brief moment, young souls inexplicably drawn to each other -a brief childish moment of passing that embeds itself in their hearts.
Fifteen Years later and the circumstances of their reunion are far from ordinary and they are definitely not ideal but fate has shown her hand and “The Hangman’s Mute” has his muse.
By this time River is no longer River he goes by the name of Styx and Salome- reveals that her name is actually Mae.
I like these two – they have a bond that way beyond anything that can be defined.
Their story is intense and uncompromising, it is brutal in parts but then so is life – but the tenderness between them at times is breath-taking.
The secondary character Rider- keep your eye on him – I thought I had him pegged but what do I know!
Some of the other protagonists in the story are Ky – (the club VP), Flame (one of the three Psycho’s) and Beauty (Tank’s old Lady) and each one of them adds their own light into the story.
The major characters from the religious compound- Gabriel, Jacob etc are not covered in glory in at any point in the story but when you read their tale you will understand that they don’t deserve to be seen with anything other than contempt.
This book will take your hand and lead you screaming and kicking through the darkest of situations, into the depth of the depravity exercised by both sides but it will let you see that when you love someone, you will go to any lengths.
Rating 5 out of 5
Please note that I will post a full and more detailed review at a later date - I don't want to spoil your enjoyment of what is a brilliant book, so I have excercised every single ounce of restaint I have so's not to get between you and Styx!!