A War Like Ours
by Saffron A. Kent
For a debut novel I would say that this is as far from what I would have expected as you could probably get but that is not a bad thing, this has more than enough talking points to fill an entire afternoon but for this short review, what I will say is that this may not be for everyone.
It takes on subjects that some may find difficult but if you go into the story with that in mind you might juts survive, because this author doesn’t sugar coat her storyline, she hits it hard and you had better be prepared for the fallout!
This isn’t love in its normal scene but then again since when has any love been normal, we each have our own shade or normality it is just a case of finding what works for you and not worrying about what other may think about it, I think in some places the author was a little on the harsh side of bold, a little too provocative but I understand her actions and why she took the characters down that path, I just wasn’t sure that it needed to be that troubled.
I suppose the term dark is banded around to describe books that feature subject matter that might trigger reactions but I found that the war I was facing wasn’t only on the page it was also with myself as I read on, I didn’t want to see it through to the end or so I thought, I found some aspects pushed me further than I wanted but I wasn’t prepared to miss out on where they were heading.
This is a far from a typical romance as you are going to get, two seriously broken individuals that just might be the best part of perfect for each other but that have a heck of a way of showing it…they’re seriously twisted!
If you a happy with the run of the mill romance, then this is not for you but if you like things to push your boundaries, to test you limits and to have you questioning WTF then this might just be what you need to read, this is the definition of romance that you will never see coming!!!
Topic: A War Like Ours by Saffron A. Kent
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