Living with Shame
I can say only one thing about this book and that is ...Be Prepared.
The quality of the writing and the depth of feeling that the book drew from me caught me off guard. The author presented a story that was as raw as I could have possibly imagined from a book with this title but what I hadn’t anticipated was the fact that it was also so heartfelt and intensely passionate, everything about it was powerfully emotional and realistically challenging.
Some may say that this is not for the faint hearted and I suppose that for some it may be too much but I think if you are prepared for the fact that this will test you, you should power through…not doing so in my opinion means that you are missing out on a superb read.
Breeze and Shame are the lead roles and the story as painful as it is, is told from their alternating points of view, my heart broke for them in some respects when all they wanted was their happy ever after in whatever form that took but there were those around them that we set to ensure that they had a battle to get where they needed and wanted to be.
If you like guy that may be everybody’s definition of a bad boy but who loves his girl with every ounce of his being, then this is the guy for you…totally besotted!!!!
I found the pace and pulse of the book had me on the edge of my seat on more than one occasion and at one point I had to take time away in order to compose my thoughts enough to carry on at one point but that was only because I felt myself getting completely absorbed, I could feel my heart breaking and the breath being sucked from my lungs.
I would be remiss if I didn’t say that being the first in the series, this ends on a cliff hanger and will definitely leave you scratching around on the internet looking for the date of the next release…yep, guilty!!!
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