Strong Hold
by Sarah Castille
I thought the story was evocative but that is not to say that I ultimately enjoyed every aspect of what the characters got up too.
I thought the assumption that Zack seemed to portray that Shayla was his girl despite the fact that he had cleared off out of her life in order to make something of his was a little on the misogynistic side for me. But whilst that took me a little time to get over, he was quickly on the charm offensive and by the end of the book, I think I was what is commonly known as “smitten”.
Shayla loved him with everything she was and he knew it but she still wasn’t enough for him to commit to her rather than a future in MMA, he had his goal and walking away from her may have been hard but he still managed to do just that, leaving her absolutely heartbroken.
Now, the shoe is on the other foot, and after years of feeling afraid she is the one on the rise, the one with the MMA world taking notice and a woman with a purpose, Zack is not that purpose! Or at least it didn’t seem that way but when he walks back in Redemption he is also walking straight back into her life…the question is will she let him?
As you can imagine, the path they are on is far from simple and it doesn’t exactly run smoothly at times but they have a common purpose and for as much as what Shayla has been through has formed her into the strong woman that she is today, had Zack been around much of that pain may have had the chance to be averted. Can she forgive him for leaving and more to the point will he be able to forgive himself when he learns the full details of the life she has left without him, after all when he left, he left his heart behind, she has always owned that part of him.
They were the perfect match for each other, he was everything you would picture if you were to read the words, cocky alpha male and she had an inner strength that ensured that she was a survivor of a past that would have broken a weaker woman.
A super story, of love and loss, of second chances and absolution.
An enjoyable addition to the series.
Topic: Strong Hold by Sarah Castille
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