The Loose Ends Series
by Kaia Bennett
This is a journey gathered together over a sustained period of time and it shows you two people who long to be together but who, for much of the time are beaten down by time and circumstance.
The friendship they have was destined to morph into more but getting there was a challenge that Gabriel and Nicole were never going to forget.
The whole story was riddled with so much lust and longing that it was hard to see where they were heading but with the usual angst, anguished and fear I have to say that the book ultimately gave me hope
I really felt connected to Gabriel and Nicole and as the stories progressed I have to say that I became frustrated by their situation because a blind man could see that these two belonged together.
I couldn’t believe that they had to suffer time and time again.
The stories are written with care, consideration and chemistry. They’re longingly unravelled and then carefully reconstructed in order that their journey could be realistic and it was.
Life isn’t served up, completely wrapped up with no issues, because we all know that anything worth having is worth working for, sometimes as with Nicole and Gabriel – you have to work harder than most to get the end result you desire.
So a quick whip through the books in the boxset:
Crush #1
Staying with her sister during vacation, Nicole spends much of her time alone. Her sister is permanently busy but Nicole manages to keep herself amused and out of trouble. Gabriel lives in the apartment – sharing with Nicole’s sister and her boyfriend but this part time musician is staying well clear of his roommates little sister.
But Nicole is struggling with that, because she isn’t content to be the baby sister for much longer, she is determined that she can win him round.
Can this fixated young woman, make a move? Will they enter a relationship or are they destined to be nothing more than friends with benefits
Closer #2
Music is Gabriel’s mistress, his life revolves around this being his opportunity to find his fame.
Nicole and he are still in touch, they have maintained their friendship whilst Nicole has completed college.
But now do they have the opportunity to finally be together… or at least I was hoping so.
So when Gabriel gets his break, his chance at the recording deal that he has always wanted, he heads back to Nicole, finally they were going to with getting with the program and for a while they did- yippee!!!
But of course my hopes were dashed when life yet again got in the way or should I say the ex from hell stuck her oar in.
I hated Meredith, she was Gabriel’s ex – what he ever saw in her in the first place defeats me but when she gets her opportunity to poison Nicole with her hatred and spite, she goes gunning for it with both barrels and the result is Gabriel and Nicole are yet again on the brink of disaster.
Surely this pair deserve to be cut a break?
With very little that I can see to build upon, I was left hanging on to the hope that they could love enough to hang on but I have to say it didn’t look good.
Mind over Matter #3
Nicole is done waiting round and has finally moved on.
She has a new man and is doing what she has always wanted, writing. But is she living a lie?
While Travis worships the ground she walks on, Nicole is doing all she can to convince her heart that it can now eradicate Gabriel … but she is in for a rude awakening when she bumps into Gabriel again.
Because all her carefully constructed lies, the mirrors she has hidden behind, the depths to which she has gone to try and move on are blown out of the water because as much as her stubbornness won’t let her accept that there is still something there with Gabriel, she can’t deny what she feels inside.
She doesn’t want to hurt Travis, because she knows what that sort of pain feels like but being apart from Gabriel is becoming difficult, she is hurting herself by denying her feelings.
Would they finally accept that their paths were always meant to be entwined?
Are they willing to give what they have the opportunity it needs to grow, to finally have the life they deserve?
Will Travis take a leaf out of Meredith’s book and cause them heartache or will he walk away?
This is a good book, one that had more lurking under its surface than you would have anticipated. It was funny and sad in almost equal measure I couldn’t help but fall for both Gabriel and Nicole as a couple–I wanted to see them together but the trip they took was far from one I would have undertaken.
Topic: The Loose Ends Series by Kaia Bennett
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