
by Amity Cross


I flicked through books one and two again before I settled in to read this, I know I didn’t have to be I absolutely love this series, so it was indulgence really! If you haven’t read the other book then you really should before you start this one because some vital back history is in Pulse.

This is Violet and Lincoln’s story and I think it was the most poignant of them all so far.

Violet has a tragic past. One that has her cowering, hiding away from not only everyone around her but also from herself. She is safe in her room, surrounded by the friends she finds within the pages of the fiction that she holds so dear but her fear is denying her a chance at living again, but it is one that she is unwilling to take. She is merely surviving and that is blatantly obvious to all those around her.

But her brother Ash and his partner Ren are doing everything they can to make her transition back from the brink of despair as easy as they possibly can but no-one knows just how difficult it is when they haven’t had to experience what she has been through. Turning what she should do, into what she can do is not an easy step to take.

Linc and Violet have been friends since they were kids, mere teenagers, but it never had the opportu8nity to grow into anything more, despite the fact that they both had feelings for each other. But here we are years later and Linc is the man that is slowly giving her a reason to put on foot in front of the other each morning.

His gentle demeanour, his patience and his love is abundant and he stole not only my breath but my heart. He gently coaxed Violet back into the land of the living, one very time step at a time.

He showed attention when it was necessary, devotion when required and attitude when nothing else would do.

He gave her enough room to breathe but not enough room to run, the man was epic!

I lived each moment they were together slightly holding my breath waiting for their guard to fall and their time together to crash around them. I wanted nothing like that, I wanted then to find their forever but Amity has a way with words that had me bouncing with anticipation.

The journey they took was exceptional, the intensity of the storytelling for first class and the drama that I devoured will keep me sated for a while to come.

Amity Cross you are a beaut! Your create magic with each and every character that you bring into my life but with Violet and Linc, you gave me a woman I could truly admire and a man that was impossible not to fall in love with.

Topic: Crash by Amity Cross

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