Open House

by TC Matson

The only problem with this book is that I was so engrossed that I just didn’t want it to end. My first work by this author and I was quite simply blown away.

The story was quite simply everything I wanted to read, it was completely engaging, I could say it was syrupy sweet but that would imply that, that was a criticism but hand on heart it isn’t.

Riley was ready to take a step forward with her life, to get what she wants moving forward and that means taking a long hard look at what is going on between her and Brian the father of her child. The issue is that after more than a decade together it isn’t easy to just call it a day, no matter how reticent the other party is to your efforts to make what you have work.

I hated that Brian was almost ambivalent to Riley’s attempts to rekindle what they once had but life gives you lemons and you make lemonade, so she stuck with what she was doing until out of the blue the guy that she really needed, the guy that was going to be able to give her the future she dreamt about is on her horizon and she has a decision to make and a future to grab by the scruff of the neck and embrace!

Could she? And would Trenton be the guy to give her hope, to bring a sense of romance back into her life and to treat her the way she deserved to be treated?

I hoped so but I was a little concerned at one point that I had too much riding on them making it and I have to say that the author gave me a little bit of a scare as the book progressed, not enough to have me hyperventilating and swearing at the screen but certainly enough to raise a bead or two of sweat on my brow.

I need not have worried though because I got what I not only wanted but needed from the story and I thank the author for a story beautifully told

Topic: Open House by TC Matson

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