This book fair scoots along, it will leave you in its wake if you don’t keep it in check.
Honestly it is easy to get carried away, it is a super read and the events come thick and fast so it is very easy to lose your place. So pay attention and don’t let the story win!
As with many novellas it packs a lot in to its limited pages.
Following on from the events in book one, the story follows Anabella as she sets about trying to rebuild her life and to recover from the aftermath of Marcus.
She tries to do what she can to move in the right direction and finally she finds herself falling for someone.
But is this the fresh start she both needs and wants?
This was a pocket sized rollercoaster of emotions and it will take all your will power to not waste away the day until you are catapulted to the end and the inimitable Krystal cliff hanger.
I am looking forward to book three