Taunting Lips by Elena M. Reyes
This is accompaniment to Teasing Hands – told from Camden’s point of view and I have to say I absolutely loved it. Being inside this delicious man’s head is the most sumptuous place to be and I don’t ever want to leave!!
I think I need to have a lie down in a dark room in order to be able to compose myself enough to be subjective about my review because this all-consuming man has completely taken my breath away.
He made me smile, laugh and dare I say blush with some of his innermost thought but more over he made feel. He wormed his way into my heart and laid himself out bare for me to digest. He left himself exposed, his emotions open to scrutiny and my heart not only ached for him but on occasion I could feel him pulling my heart apart… the ping of my heartstrings were being played like a harp and I couldn’t stop him if I wanted too.
The story doesn’t rehash everything that we learnt in Teasing Hands, instead it concentrates on the events surrounding the crux of the first book and gives Camden a chance to show us just what is going on in his head and how he really feels about what is happening between him and Amanda. Whether he can salvage what he wants and needs or more over what is left of the relationship with Amanda or will he lose it all.
I have to say that while I loved Camden in the first book, in this I found that I was completely besotted with him. He is just immense, the emotions that he portrays and the way the author invited me to feel about what was not only happening but how he was feeling about it had me looking for the box of tissues on more than one occasion.
I took him to my heart and I think I might just leave him there.