Sail by M Mabie
OK, so the end of Bait was a cliff-hanger to beat the rest of them hands down, so I was dying to find out where the author was going with this the next book.
I wasn’t exactly a Blake fan in the first book, to be honest I could quite easily have punched her lights out but just because she wasn’t my cup of tea immediately didn’t mean that I didn’t want to find out how the story would unfold.
I mean, now the affair is out in the open, will she work things out with her husband Grant or will she final grow a pair and put an end to the whole pretence?
Can she and Casey make a go of a relationship?
Do they honestly have enough to make it work?
And to top it all there is the whole is she /isn’t she pregnancy thing going on with the she devil Aly?
There was so much going on that it took the skill of an author like M Mabie to be able to put this is a cohesive pattern, to be able to string it all together and to make sure that as a reader you were able to follow the seriously intertwined storylines.
So while Blake turned a corner for me and I got to see her in a completely different light, Grant really got on my nerves… and I mean every last one of them!
And as for Casey, well – all I want to say to M Mabie is Can I keep him?
Blake finally understood the hurt she had caused to those around her and she is more accepting of the impact her actions have had on her family. I liked this version of Blake, I liked that she had grown enough to see that result of her actions and was brave enough to accept the implications that they brought,
I have to say that I think her brother Shane would have an epic story to tell (hint)
The ending is true M Mabie style, it is another cliff-hanger and damn I’m ready for the next one now!!!!
Topic: Sail by M Mabie
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