Restoration & Forgiveness
by Mindy A Carter
This picked right back up from the end of the first book Skyscrapers and Camelot and sees Aimee back home.
Dealing with her father being in hospital is enough for Aimee, not only on a familial level but also on an emotional level because it gives her a reason almost to turn her back on the pain that she has suffered at Keegan’s hand, no not physically but yet again her heart has been broken by him, she needs this space and time to get her head around what has happened and to concentrate on her dad.
But really woman, did you ever think that for one moment he was going to let you slip through his fingers again, not a hope in h*ll.
He knows that he has screwed things up momentously but he is completely determined that he will not allow her to walk away from him, what they have has survived from childhood and it will darn well see them through this, they belong together he just has to make sure she can see he is willing to fight for them, even if he has to fight her in the process.
She knew he would arrive, and no matter how much she might have tried to deny it, I think she was actually glad he did. They had so much to work through that I was rooting for them from the very start but their story was far from simple.
This wasn’t just their second chance at romance, if they were cats they would be hurtling towards having almost used up all of their nine lives, they made mistakes, some of them were seriously so stupid, I had to read them twice and still left the page shaking my head! But overall I found that I wanted them to make it. I wanted them to have that happy ever after, but wanting and getting are two different stories.
Aimee was a strong character with the most amazing capacity to not only love but to forgive and by the end of the story I would say that she was one of my favourite female characters this year.
The story is well written, and on the whole, I think better constructed than the first book of the series. The plot is more challenging, there are some twists and turns that were unexpected, but amongst the angst was a book that oozed romance, that dished up some moments that will make your heart sigh but that happiness is also tinged with some unimaginable heart-break.
Topic: Restoration & Forgiveness by Mindy A Carter
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