by Bella Jewel
Although this is described as being the 5th book in the Bella Jewel’s Jokers Wrath MC series I think I found this the one that I had the most issue with. Now, in saying that I don’t mean that I didn’t like the book, I just took issue with one of the characters, namely Roman. Some may love him but for me I found more issues that I wanted and that sort of turned me off him a little.
With the knowledge of the fact that events in the author’s own life had a resonance with the story, I knew it was going to be a good read but what I hadn’t anticipated was the fact that from a series that is dominated by some exquisitely alpha men, I would find a guy that I just wanted to man the f**k up!
Molly and Roman are both caught up in the aftermath of nasty breakups and I have to say that if I had been either of Molly’s parents I think that I would have made darn sure that, that no good waste of space Michael and his procreating tackle were no longer living in harmony!
They met accidentally but is anything ever really an accident? Is anything ever truly random because however they came into contact they were the right people for each other at that time, they had an empathy that bonded them together and that undoubtedly would help them to get over their pasts. Or so you would have thought! But could they, could either of them take that leap of faith and leave their past where it belonged…behind them.
Well this is where I got more than a little frustrated and it may be entirely my own fault but I wanted more from Roman, I understood that he was sad and emotional about the demise of his relationship, could he not see that the woman that he had befriended was the other half of his already bruised heart, their souls were practically screaming for the two of them to see what was in front of them and that I found frustrating. I was at sixes and sevens as to whether or not to believe him some of the time and while we eventually get to see that his ex is every bit as loopy as Michael, it didn’t seem to completely redeem him for me. So rightly or wrongly I think I mentally switched off at this point about how he felt.
I liked the story on the whole but there were bits that made it more of a slog than I have come to enjoy from the marvellous Ms Jewel but with Jack and Baylee’s story to come next I am sure I will find a whole different ball game to keep me on my toes.
Topic: Bestie by Bella Jewel
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